10,000 SUBSCRIBERS! HOW? In this video I will tell you what I did, and also what I didn't do, to reach 10K subscribers. I'll tell you about my journey and the process I used, and hopefully what I share will help you in some way, if you're interested in getting started, or growing your YouTube channel!
Have You Heard The News Today? This spoken word project is a call to action for people to become more conscious about the media they subscribe to and the information they consume on a daily basis. More importantly, it's a request for the media to be more responsible for how and what news and information they choose to blast, broadcast, highlight, emphasize, and report.
If you're like me, and you see how the news that is being packaged for mainstream society is not only lopsided and one-sided but also degrading and deteriorating the human spirit that unites us, and you're sick and tired of the negative impact the media is having on our collective perception of the world and each other with their self-serving bias and agenda in the pursuit of relevance and ratings, then PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE. We are the ones that have to send a message to the media and let them know that we want more than bad news. If you don't like how the media is operating, get the headlines from your phone if need be, otherwise do the following: Turn off - the TV Tune out - the noise Disconnect - from the emotions Reconnect - to yourself The following are daily journal entries of mine that document my very painful and personal experience of having to end the life of my 15 year old cat, "Cheese", who was more like a child and faithful friend to me. Writing about this experience was somewhat insightful and therapeutic for me, so I thought reading about my raw experience might possibly be cathartic for others...
This is a clip from my Stress Mastery program talking about the importance of knowing what your personal relationship with stress is before you will ever be able to change how you experience stress.
For more info on this event please visit: http://www.theryandavid.com/stress-mastery.html It's not what we do every once in a while that defines our lives; it’s what we do consistently. Simply put, the quality of your life is a reflection of your daily rituals. We all have rituals—some empowering, others disempowering, some conscious, but most are unconscious. For better or worse, those things we do on a regular basis determine the quality of our lives.
For that reason, it's critical that we make a proactive effort to act with intention each day, in our careers, our personal lives, and our relationships. The trust, intimacy, and passion in your relationship are determined by the investment you and your partner are willing to make in it on a regular basis. To learn more about the five simple, game-changing rituals that you and your other half can—and should—make an effort to incorporate into your daily routine, check out the video above, or click on the link below! www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/couples-who-stay-together-do-these-5-things-every-day |